Protect Yourself with Reiki: A Guided Meditation to Shield Against Negativity

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt drained or affected by the energy of people or environments around you? Negative energy can creep in and disrupt your balance, but Reiki offers a way to shield yourself while restoring inner peace. This practice is a calming yet powerful tool to connect to universal energy, bringing protection and harmony into your life.

In this post, we’ll guide you through 7-minute practice from Ian Tucker to help you center yourself, harness Reiki energy, and create a protective barrier from negativity

A 7-minute Reiki meditation to protect against negative energy

This 7-minute Reiki meditation is a quick yet effective practice that uses affirmations, visualization, and universal energy to create a protective field around you. Whether you’re starting your day or unwinding from it, this meditation is ideal for restoring balance and keeping negativity at bay.

If you’re ready to explore Reiki meditation, you’ll find Ian’s practice and more in the largest library of free guided meditations on Insight Timer.

Protect yourself with Reiki: guided meditation script

Step 1: Prepare and relax

Begin by finding a comfortable position, whether you’re seated, lying down, or even standing. Close your eyes, let your arms and legs rest naturally, and start to focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths in and out, releasing any tension from your body with each exhale.

Step 2: Repeat the Reiki mantra

To connect with Reiki energy, Ian introduces a simple yet powerful mantra: “I am now connected to Reiki energy for my greatest and highest good.” 

Repeat this affirmation three times, either silently or aloud, and notice the sense of calm and connection that begins to settle in.

Step 3: Visualize Reiki energy flowing into your body

Now, visualize a warm, radiant light entering through the crown of your head. Imagine this light flowing gently down through your shoulders, arms, and torso, into your stomach, hips, and legs, before reaching your feet.

Take a moment to picture this light as a liquid, mist, or glow. Whether it feels warm, cool, or tingly, know that this Reiki energy is limitless and abundant, flowing freely for your greatest good.

Step 4: Fill your body and expand the energy outward

As the light continues to flow, sense it filling every part of your physical body. From your head to your toes, let this radiant energy bring healing and balance.

Next, visualize the Reiki energy expanding outward from your body. See it forming a protective field around you—above, below, and on all sides. This energy acts as a loving barrier, shielding you from negativity and outside influence.

Step 5: Strengthen your protection with an affirmation

To solidify your connection and protection, repeat this affirmation three times: “Reiki energy now protects me from negativity on all levels.”

Feel the strength and reassurance of this protective field. Rest in the knowledge that Reiki energy surrounds and safeguards you, allowing you to move through your day with confidence and peace.

Step 6: Complete your practice

Take a few more deep breaths, feeling grounded and calm. Wiggle your fingers and toes gently to reawaken your body. Open your eyes slowly when you’re ready, returning to the present moment with a sense of balance and security.

This guided meditation is adapted from Ian Tucker’s Protect Yourself With Reiki meditation, which you can find on Insight Timer.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing this Reiki meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience to help integrate its benefits into your daily life. You might find these questions helpful:

  1. How did it feel to connect with Reiki energy?
  2. Did the visualization of light and protection resonate with you?
  3. Were there specific sensations, such as warmth or tingling, that stood out?
  4. How do you feel now compared to before the meditation?

These reflections can help you track your progress and deepen your understanding of Reiki meditation over time.

Discover the power of Reiki with Insight Timer

Meditation offers profound benefits for your mind, body, and energy. Reiki, in particular, connects you to universal energy, fostering healing and protection. To explore more practices like Ian Tucker’s, visit Insight Timer’s library of free guided meditations.

Looking for soothing background audio? Enhance your practice with meditation music, including soundscapes that pair perfectly with Reiki sessions.

And with the Insight Timer app, you can access thousands of meditations anytime, anywhere. Start your journey to greater peace and protection today.

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